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Shadow Hearts From the New World

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Price: $65.00
Ships same-day (M-F) if ordered before 5PM EST
Item Number: SLPM-66071
Jan/UPC Code: 4524073310041
NCS Product Synopsis
Update: July 28, 2005
«©NCSX» After losing his family and his memory in an accident, Johnny Garland sets himself up as a detective in the rough and tumble streets of New York City circa 1929. Johnny's a lone gun who operates a one-man operation but the cases have been slow to roll in. The jobs that have been offered to Johnny haven't been overly hard to handle. A lost cat, a potential cheating spouse, missing kids, etc. One day, Johnny receives an assignment to locate a bail jumper. With his sleuthing skills, Johnny locates the suspect but before he can bring the man to justice, a creature swings in from above, bathed in bright light, and devours the bail jumper...
Johnny is joined by a female Indian shaman named Shania who is in pursuit of the creature that made dinner of the suspect. The duo meet interesting characters along their travels from New York to Chicago to the mottled environs of the Grand Canyon. Some of the supporting cast include a caucasian ninja named Frank Goldfinger, a vampiress known as Hildegard Valentine, and a guitar wielding mariachi named Ricardo Gomes.

Johnny Garland appears to be inspired by Square heroes with overtly feathery hair, androgynous features, and the apparent moxie to accomplish a herculean task. Shania, the female lead, is of the big-breasted, shapely, and nearly perfect archetype. She also happens to wield enough power to fend off mystical beasts. Battles are fought on 3D areas where special attacks and blows are shown in fully animated motion. Outdoors exploration is viewed from an overhead camera which gives a comfortable look at the surroundings while indoors roaming is viewed by a closer camera for a more intimate feel of the walls and floors.

Jan Code: 4524073310041

Region Lock-out
Please note Japanese Playstation 2 games will not boot on USA or European PS2 consoles due to the inherent region-lockout on Playstation 2 game discs.

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