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Rengoku Tower of Purgatory

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Price: $49.90
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Item Number: ULJM-05006
Publisher: Hudson
Jan/UPC Code: 4988607050931

NCS Product Synopsis
Update: January 27, 2005

«©NCSX» Dante Alighieri penned the Divine Comedy between the years of 1306-1321. In the work, wayward protagonist Dante Pilgrim is sent by the Virgin Mary on a 3-day journey through Hell, onto Mount Purgatory, and then to Heaven. Along the way, guides show him the error of his ways.

The PSP game is based on the Purgatory of Dante's Divine Comedy where players trek through an eight level tower made of up 1000 rooms which change each time a level is entered. Instead of the flesh and bone of a Dante Pilgrim however, the protagonist in PSP Rengoku is a man-machine named ADAM who ascends the tower for self discovery and the meaning of life. Along the way, ADAM kills a lot of other man-machines in a 3-D run 'n shoot action game. An evasive maneuver may be pulled off where our hero does a side rolling barrel move to avoid oncoming fire. The wrinkle in an otherwise straight-forward action game is the amount of body customization that ADAM may be treated to from built-in weaponry to new appendages and replacement body parts which enhance battle performance.

Jan Code: 4988607050931

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