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Remote Control Dandy SF

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Price: $65.00
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Item Number: SLPM-65884
Publisher: Konami
Jan/UPC Code: 4988602116779
NCS Product Synopsis
Update: April 14, 2005
«©NCSX» Take control of a gargantuan robot and battle other bots in 3-D arenas of conflict. The variety of mechs include Bellvellk, the coverboy bot who punches with extreme rocket powered force and Haugzen, which appears to be modeled after a Votoms robot but with a bulky shoulders who fights with a drilling hand. Then there's Bigibum, a knight-like robot with massive shoulder pads whose fists glow with molten force to knock players out.
Roughly 15 other robots are available in the game which all have unique and recognizable designs and weapon systems. Just about all of the bots have a close range punch attack and all have exotic variety in the weaponry department.

Other enemies in the game include alien invaders such as UFOs and powerful foe bots with exotic skills such as force fields and levitation.

View the back cover and screenshots.

Jan Code: 4988602116779
Japanese Title: リモートコントロールダンディSF
Region Lock-out
Please note Japanese Playstation 2 games will not boot on USA or European PS2 consoles due to the inherent region-lockout on Playstation 2 game discs.

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