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Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot - Asian

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Price: $229.98
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Item Number: SCAJ-20129
Publisher: Irem
Jan/UPC Code: 4948872451468
NCS Product Synopsis
Update: June 29, 2005
«©NCSX» Set in an alternate reality which is in the throes of an industrial revolution, the world of Ponkotsu is a peculiar mix of oil burning lamps, windmills, cars, and versatile machines known as Bumpy Trots. The lead in Ponktosu is a youth named Vanilla Beans who hangs out with a girl called Coriander. Their friends are named after herbs as well: Fennel, Basil, Marjoram, and Savory. As the story goes, Vanilla Beans has no memory and hopes to recollect his history. Along with Vanilla's story, a band of Bumpy Trot bandits has been causing trouble and it's up to Vanilla and Coriander to squash their thieving ways. The game is played in standard 3-D exploration and interaction where the heroes travel around a town and speak to denizens. Tasks may be commissioned and fighting competitions between Bumpy Trots may be entered in the town arena to earn some extra cash.

   The game engine also features a number of rhythm games where instruments are be played including a harmonica, a piano, flute, and others. Bemani fans will groove right into the rhythm games since they're based on Konami's visual cue and button-bopping system. When an instrument is located, a quick concert may be held with your ragtag orchestra and crowd reaction determines how the story proceeds. Play well and the audience will greet you with love. Hit all the wrong notes and boos fill the atmosphere.

   A vanilla Bumpy Trot can't match up to some of the BTs that the thieves use in the game so Bumpy Trots may be upgraded by way of seven parts such as the arms, the main body, and the legs. To enhance a BTs fighting or throwing skills, the arms may be upgraded with stronger models. To move faster, more mobile legs may be attached for a speedier Bumpy vehicle. A Bumpy Trot serves many purposes and may be used as a tool for fighting in sporting tournaments, for farming, fire fighting, and other tasks that may be required around town.

JAN Code: 4948872451468

View the back cover and screenshots.

NCS Game Notes
* After answering four personality/character questions, the game starts with a narrative at a beach where the lead hero is introspective while the roar of waves crash in the background and seagulls squawk. The view changes to that of a ship named the Juniper Berry that has crashed against the rocks and is smoking puffs of black clouds. The view changes and protagonist Vanilla Beans looks up to see a young girl named Coriander peering down at him. He's on a plank of wood and he struggles to his feet and shakes his head to get rid of the cobwebs. The two then stare out at the ruined ship in the distance.

* Controls are handled through the L-analog and the R-analog pivots the camera. Vanilla may explore the beach and retrieve a coin from a chest that has washed up on the shore. There's a lot of detritus that is scattered on the sand but none of it is interactive. If he ventures to the far right side of the beach, there's a gold-colored Bumpy Trot mech in the water but the game's limited venturing possibilities won't allow Vanilla to reach it. The limited perimeter also stops Vanilla whenever he tries to go deeper into the ocean.

* When Vanilla tries to leave the beach, a missiles scores across the sky and knocks down a massive boulder, blocking Vanilla's plans of departure. The camera shifts to the firing point and scopes out a blue Bumpy Trot who then turns and leaves. Coriander rises up from the patch of herbs she's tending and rushes to the boulder. The next step is to run to the right side of the beach and go up the little path that leads to an abandoned house. Stand in front of the door and knock. A prompt will appear - select the first option and Coriander will go around to the right side of the house and reveal a little secret door. Scurry into it and both characters may go through the house and exit through a side door. Once outside, walk along the path and you'll have access to the golden Bumpy Trot that's stationed below the cliff.

* Once Vanilla starts up the engine of the Bumpy Trot with Coriander by his side, he'll have full control of the machine where the two Dual Shock analog pads control the bulky metal contraption. The L1 trigger punches with Bumpy's left arm and L2 punches the right arm. Pressing L2 thrusts it forward and R2 propels it upwards in a short burst of flight. To steam ahead, push up on both analog pads or walk backwards by pushing both analog pads towards your belly. To turn, the mechanism is like a tank where pushing up on L-analog and down on R-analog will rotate clockwise. Pushing up on R-analog and down on L-analog will rotate it counter-clockwise. Sidling left is performed by pushing the L-analog to the left. Sidle faster to the left by pushing both L-analog and R-analog to the left. The same goes for sidling right. To pick up objects, push down on the L-analog to pick up with left arm or R-analog to pick up with the right arm.

* Inside the Bumpy Trot, the perimeters of the beach are expanded and Vanilla may explore further out into the ocean and stare at the name of his ship "Juniper-berry" which is mounted on a plaque on the right side of the marooned ship. There's a few sharks that are swimming with their fins poking out of the water but they can't be encountered...

* To escape from the beach, go back to the rock that is blocking the path out and push down on both L and R analog pads to lift up the boulder and toss it. After vacating the beach, they'll enter town and the game proper begins...

* The cel-shaded visuals are quaint and the voice acting is well done. Inside the first farm, once Coriander and Vanilla leave the Bumpy Trot, two horses may be seen feeding while they swish their tails in the background. Chickens also wander the yard and peck at unseen critters in the ground. Every once in a while, a rooster will crow its heart out while the buzz of insects, the titter of frogs mix with the sound of rushing water which is part of a waterfall in the distance. There seems to be some kind of aquaculture farming being done in the town which is tended to by a Bumpy Trot.

* After leaving the farm, they'll encounter a blue Bumpy Trot holding a thick plated shield that's colored purple. To defeat it, pick up a boulder and smash it at the enemy Bumpy. Next, pick up the damaged Bumpy and throw it against the mountainside and it'll blow up like a bomb. The driver then cries as he laments the unfortunate demise of his vehicle. He then rushes away into town. Follow him and explore the town and meet new friends...

* Atlus plans a USA localization of the game sometime in 2006 which will be renamed Steambot Chronicles.
Region Lock-out
Please note Japanese Playstation 2 games will not boot on USA or European PS2 consoles due to the inherent region-lockout on Playstation 2 game discs.

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