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Magical Sports Hard Hitter

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Price: $30.90
Ships same-day (M-F) if ordered before 5PM EST
Item Number: SLPS-20098
Jan/UPC Code: 4990951018031
NCS Product Synopsis
Update: June 28, 2001
«©NCSX» Every console gets two sports games from the publishers that be. Golf. Tennis. Look on any platform and you'll find iterations of these two sports. Sometimes, you'll find a legion of them on hand and ready to entertain. A couple of months ago, Sega raised the bar for tennis games the world over, in the mega-mighty Virtua Tennis. Simple to play and difficult to master, superb control and crystal appearances made it a champ.
Before today's Hard Hitter, the only other "tennis" game was Hot Springs Table Tennis from earlier this year. That's ping pong, by the way so it doesn't necessarily qualify in any case. WTA Tennis Tour has gone missing for months and no date appears forthcoming at this point. Essentially then, Hard Hitter will have to do to slake the thirst for PS2 tennis fans. Magical Company's previous offerings on the PS2 have been budget priced sports games but that shouldn't be an indication of their current skills. Right? Hard Hitter can't hold a candle to Virtua Tennis but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad game - few tennis games can compete with Sega's execution in VT. What we have here is a game which looks okay, if not overly artificial with plastic-looking players, and plays in an acceptable fashion. Singles play, doubles play, and tournaments may be entered into. Call it mediocre...but no one expected the likes of Mario Tennis or Virtua Tennis from Magical anyway.
Jan Code: 4990951018031
Region Lock-out
Please note Japanese Playstation 2 games will not boot on USA or European PS2 consoles due to the inherent region-lockout on Playstation 2 game discs.
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